Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Praise God for His Provisions!

We are praising God for his abundant blessing over Elijah's Retreat.  In the past couple of weeks He has directly answered our prayers by providing the funds we needed to finish up the first cabin and complete the fences around the fishing pond and playground.  He has also provided the manpower to complete the tasks.  

Our beloved team of dear friends from the Denton area will be returning this month for the fourth time this year to spend a weekend working at the retreat.  These folks were here when the first wall was raised on the cabin last spring, and they have committed to see us through until we are prepared for our first family.  These wonderful, godly friends have not only supported us with their time and labor, but with consistent prayer and encouragement, and with their gifts and offerings.  They have collected furniture, appliances, bedding and toys, as well as donations of funds for Elijah's Retreat.  Amazing, amazing people who have become like family to us.  We love them dearly.

Other good friends from Jacksonville have been determined to see this project through, as well, and have supported us financially and with their labor.  We thank them for their love, support and great encouragement over the past year.  We could not have done this without them.  What a blessing they have been!

With these new provisions, it looks as though we will be able to open for guests by late April or early May.  We will be announcing our grand opening/open house celebration in the near future.  We hope you will be able to join us for a day of entertainment, great barbeque and joyous celebration and praise for all God has done to take Elijah's Retreat from dream to reality.  

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