Monday, June 30, 2008

Mercy Ships to the Rescue

Elijah's Retreat has been tremendously blessed so far in our short existence to have amazing groups come alongside of us to offer help. Mercy Ships, a wonderful ministry based in Lindale, Texas, just a few miles north of us, is one of those. Jeff and I were absolutely blown away when they first called and asked if they could come out and take a look at what we're doing here. When they arrived we felt immediately that the Lord was in it and that He was planning something big.

We really don't know exactly what the Lord has in mind for this partnership, but we do know that whatever it is, it's going to be good! We are excited about it, praying about it, and giving it all to the Lord daily.

If you are not familiar with the ministry of Mercy Ships, visit their website when you get a chance. Mercy Ships is a huge ministry. They have done incredible things throughout the world.

Thank you, Lord, for making our paths cross!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful, wonderful news. Please keep us updated on how this ministry is going to help with the progress of Elijah's Retreat!

~Leigh Attaway Wilcox

Kathie C. Moore said...

Thank you, Leigh. Since this original post, Mercy Ships has walked us through our 501(c)(3) application (a huge, huge help) and they've assigned us a wonderful project manager - Sandy Carroll from Rusk. Sandy has facilitated all kinds of things for us in a very short amount of time - teams to cut down dead trees, a beaver trapper to catch our destructive beaver, an electric company representative to figure out a way to get the electricity run to the new cabin, and on top of all of that she found us an attorney and an accountant to serve on our Board of Directors. She's done all of this in just a few weeks. What a blessing Sandy and her husband, Jeff, have been to us. Next up, Mercy Ships is looking into digging us some water wells! Oh, my, what a HUGE, HUGE blessing and answer to prayer that would be. My Jeff has wanted water wells ever since we moved here. God is so good! Thank you, Lord!